So here we are. I spent the last couple of nights sitting with some of the last few records on my 2007-2009 list, but when it came to writing about them, I was totally stuck. A big part of the reason why I started this series was to better articulate music, when ironically as I've reached the end, I have nothing left to say. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I've kept Top 10 lists the last few years and have talked about many of these records there. That's not to say that any of this was in vain though. It's been a remarkably challenging task, one I'm proud to have kept up with as best I could for the last three months. But as the holidays draw near and the need to post my Top 10 of the year lingers, I think it's time to wrap things up with "The Loop" series. I hope you've enjoyed hearing about bands you may love and some you may haven't heard of. I hope you got to revisit a few old records and a few old memories. This served not only the purpose of music but also to figure out the major milestones in my life and exactly what served as the soundtrack. Afterall, I wouldn't be in the business I'm in if these albums/songs/bands weren't in my heart and mind through everything in my life. I couldn't be more grateful.
I'm not sure what this means for this blog. I'll be posting my Top 10 Albums and Top Songs of 2009 on Saturday, but after that, I'm not totally sure. I may try to integrate music news, but everyone does that. I'm spending a few weeks home on the West coast so maybe I'll find inspiration there. Or I could just listen to music for the sake of listening to music, which is I guess what got me here in the first place.
Without further ado, here are the records that absolutely made the cut for this era, but that my mind is too exhausted to try and articulate. I assure you that every single one of these records holds a special place in my heart and has their own stories. It hurts not to talk about some of them, but I trust for many of them, the music simply speaks for itself. Enjoy.
Dear and the Headlights - Small Steps Heavy Hooves (2007)
Recommended Track : "Midwestern Dirt"
Video Track : "Sweet Talk"(please note spiky haired blond in the back. Yup, that's me.)
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago (2008)
Recommended Track: "Re: Stacks"
Video Track: "For Emma"
AA Bondy - American Hearts (2008)
Recommended Track : "Black Rain, Black Rain"
Video Track : "Black Rain, Black Rain"
Once Soundtrack (2007)
Recommended Track : "All the Way Down"
Video Track : "Falling Slowly"
City and Colour - Bring Me Your Love (2008)
Recommended Track : "Confessions"
Video Track : "Sleeping Sickness" (check out the cool interactive official video here:
Annuals - Be He Me (2007)
Recommended Track - "Brother" (and "Ease My Mind" off the Frelen Mas EP)
Video Track: "Brother"
The Maine - Stay Up, Get Down EP (2007)
Recommended Track - "Daisy"
Video Track : "The Town's Been Talkin' "
Alive in Wild Paint - Ceilings (2008)
Recommended Track - "Crystal Selves"
Video Track : "Ceilings"
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular (2008)
Recommended Track - "Kids"
Video Track - "Time to Pretend" (wearing capes!)
Try Me Bicycle - Voicings (2008)
Recommended Track - "Two Stern Feet"
So I can't find even ONE video of Try Me Bicycle to embed, but there is one available at and here is a link to a cool NPR piece that was done on them.
Sara Bareilles - Little Voice (2007)
Recommended Track - "Between the Lines"
Video Track - "Gravity"
Miniature Tigers - Tell it to the Volcano (2008)
Recommended Track - "Last Night's Fake Blood"
Video Track - "Cannibal Queen"
Eddie Vedder - Into the Wild Original Soundtrack (2007)
Recommended Track - "Hard Sun"
Video Track - "Guaranteed"
Matthew Reveles - We'll Meet Halfway (2008)
Recommended Track - "Mile of Defeat"
Video Track : "The New One For Reals"
What Laura Says - Thinks and Feels (2008)
Recommended Track - "Done What's Right" (and the hidden track following)
Video Track : "Wish I Could Fly" (Good Morning Arizona styyyyle :) )
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