This category isn't a part of the "Listography : Your Life in (Play)Lists" book, but I've been thinking a lot about this recently. Basically, I grew up on music and spent the better part of eight or so years "working" music in some capacity. I'm constantly thinking, talking, writing, working, listening to and watching music and I've had a hard time finding hobbies or social skills outside of it (not that I'm complaining).
At any rate, as a fan or as a music businessladyperson, there are certain things that I've been fortunate enough to experience but other things that I still want to do in order to fully understand the entire process. I'm not getting any younger, unlike the average age of a lot of us working in music, so before I get to old to rock or stop liking music (whichever comes first), here are the things I'd like to do:
Go out on tour for two weeks. -This could be in any capacity: tour managing, merch girl, shooting content, etc. I just want to know how it feels day to day and do some traveling. 2)
Take a class on ProTools.-I have a very basic understanding from working in college radio, but certainly fudged some of it.
3) Sit in during a band's writing process.
- I'm still so fascinated by the way a song is written since I can't write myself.
4) Learn to play the guitar.
5) Go out for a week on Warped Tour.
-Preferrably not through Arizona or anywhere where its 115 degrees in July.
6) Go to the following festivals:
- Sasquatch
- Bonaroo
- Coachella
- Glastonbury
- Lollapalooza
- Newport Folk Festival
- Soundwave
Speak on a SXSW panel- Y'know, about . . . uh . . . something?8)
Convince SXSW to hire me.-Seriously though, WHO GETS TO WORK ON THIS FESTIVAL?!8)
Be a part of a band's entire recording process. -From pre production to mastering and everything in between. Not sure what I'd contribute, maybe just being there to watch. 9)
Write a treatment for a music video.10)
Start another live music radio show -Or podcast, or video blog, whatever. 11)
Finish reading "All You Need to Know about the Music Business"-Before another new version comes out, which I'm sure will be soon.12)
Take a class on Entertainment law.13)
Learn to Swing Dance.14)
Work in some capacity during a band's appearance on a late night talk show. 15)
Dance on stage with a big group during one of my favorite bands' sets. 16)
Sing with a band on stage. 17)
Work at a record store.-Even if only for a little while. I never got to growing up, even though I tried. 18)
Go to a music award show.19)
Sequence a movie or TV show soundtrack.-
In the romantic way of just picking songs that sound awesome and of course the paperwork.20)
Have one of my favorite artists perform at my wedding.-Right now I've narrowed down my wedding song to either "Re:Stacks" by Bon Iver or "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds. Both are welcome to come party.